2019 Taxpayer Award

March 19, 2019, 12:26 pm | Admin

Indonesian Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani hands over the Award and Appreciation of 2019 Taxpayer to the Commissioner of PT Adaro Energy Tbk (parent company of PT Adaro Indonesia), Arini Saraswaty Subianto on 13/13/2019 in Jakarta. PT Adaro Indonesia is one of the Large Taxpayers that receives appreciation and award for its contribution to state revenues, complies with tax regulations and being responsive. On the same occasion, President Director of PT Adaro Energy Tbk – Garibaldi Thohir and Vice President Commissioner of PT Adaro Energy Tbk – Theodore Permadi Rachmat, as Individual Taxpayers also received appreciation and award from the Minister of Finance.

As a national company, Adaro is committed to contributing to the development and progress of Indonesia’s economy through taxes and royalty. In 2018 Adaro has contributed US$ 721 million to the country (US$ 378 million in royalties and US$ 343 million in taxes).

For more information, please click here.

Last modified on March 21, 2019, 12:47 pm | 12653