Indonesia can apply ‘clean’ coal technology to reduce emissions

September 7, 2016, 11:09 am | Admin

Indonesia has teamed up with the World Coal Association (WCA) consider to apply high efficiency, low emissions (HELE) ‘clean’ coal technologies, developed to increase the efficiency of coal-fired power plants and maintain international commitments to mitigate climate change risks.

WCA chief executive Benjamin Sporton explained that with HELE, Indonesia could reduce emissions of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and other greenhouse gases as well as non-greenhouse gases such as nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulphur dioxide ( S02 ) and particulate matter.

“This technology allows Indonesia to continue to use its coal resources to meet increasing energy demand and promote economic growth while continuing to meet its emission reduction targets in the Paris Agreement,” Sporton told journalists on Tuesday.

He added that although it was slightly more expensive, the ‘clean’ coal technology could reduce CO2 emissions by 35 percent compared to existing technology, which is less efficient.

Indonesia is the fourth-largest coal producer in the world. As an abundant source of fuel, coal remains a primary component of the country’s efforts to provide electricity to a bigger percentage of its population. Currently, 50 coal-fired power plants are operational in Indonesia with a capacity of 19,404 megawatts (MW).

Under the Paris Agreement within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Indonesia has committed unconditionally to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 29 percent in 2030 compared to business as usual. The target could be increased to 41 percent if the country receives international support. (bbn)

Last modified on February 1, 2017, 11:10 am | 3358