Distribution of Cash Dividends

May 18, 2012, 1:24 pm | Admin

On April 27, 2012, the AGMS of Adaro Energy decided to pay final cash dividends for FY2011 of US$183,919,281.50 for 31,985,962,000 shares or US$0.00575 per share. In addition, the BOD and BOC of Adaro Energy on April 24, 2012 also decided to pay the first interim cash dividends for FY2012 of US$41,581,750.60 for 31,985,962,000 shares or US$0.00130 per share derived from Adaro Energy’s net income for the three months period ended march 31st, 2012.

Final cash dividend for FY2011 and first interim dividend for FY2012 will be paid at the same time. Thus, total cash dividend to be distributed by the Company is US$225,501,032.10 or US$0.00705 per share.

Schedule for Cash Dividends Distribution:



-          Announcement of the schedule for the distribution of cash dividends in the stock market

May 4, 2012

-          Announcement of the schedule for the distribution of cash dividends in the media (Republika and Investor Daily)

May 7, 2012

-          Recording Date

June 1, 2012

-          Regular and Negotiation Market


-          Cum Dividend Date

-          Ex Dividend Date


May 29, 2012

May 30, 2012

-          Spot Market


-          Cum Dividend Date

-          Ex Dividend Date


June 1, 2012

June 4, 2012

-          Cash Dividend Distribution

June 12, 2012

Last modified on February 1, 2017, 1:25 pm | 4059