Adaro Receives Gold PROPER Award

December 4, 2012, 10:43 am | Admin

At the Grand Ballroom of Shang‐rila Hotel of Jakarta, on Monday, 3rd December 2012, PT Adaro Indonesia, the Kalimantan‐based coal mining subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy Tbk., received the Gold Proper Award (an award dedicated to environme ntal management) from the Ministry of Environment.

With this achievement, Adaro marked its name as the first mining company to be awarded with the Gold rank since the award was initiated in 2002.
Presented by Indonesian Vice President Budiono, the award was received by Garibaldi Thohir, Adaro Energy’s President Director and CEO.

Garibaldi Thohir said, “Since the dawn of our operations, we have always been committed to conduct our business activitiies by holding on to our responsibilities and strong commitment to the well‐being of the environment and the communities living surrounding our operational locations. We also apply good mining practices in all aspects of operations to minimize the impact of the operations on the environment.

“The achievement represented by this award is the fruit of a pool of contribution and support we have been lucky enough to gain from a vast variety of stakeholders, such as the communities, our partners, and the government.”

The Gold Proper Award is awarded to companies fulfilling the criteria of manag ing the environment to the scale categorized as “beyond compliance”, embarking upon 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), applying sustainable environmental management system, and performing meaningful activities that bring about long‐term benefits to the society.

In Paringin, Adaro has reclaimed the post‐mining land by adhering to the prevailing guidelines. A model of reclamation forest created on the post‐mining land is put in place and utilized not only to serve ecological purposes, but also to create economic benefits.

In the same location, Adaro is cultivating shrimp and tilapia by utilizing the abundant post‐mining water, under its collaboration with LIPI Limnologi. Another program of tilapia nursery will also be implemented and expanded to benefit the surrounding communities. The post-mining water has been proved to be safe and feasible for fish cultivation activities.

Besides the environmentally‐driven programs, the company has also undertaken a number of energy efficiency measures, e.g. the use of solar cell for the mining support equipment, utilization of used lubricant as an element of blasting material and for reducing air pollutant emission, and the use of diesel fuel through the pilot project of biodiesel fuel.

Under the concept of 3R, Adaro promotes the conservation of the water resources in the mining location and in the stockpile by processing it into clean water of the official standard with its WTP (Water Treatment Plant).

Now, the clean water is not only consumed internally , but also supplied to 1,137 households within the operational area, who had previously struggled to get sufficient water supply.

On a different side, the commitment to community empowerment and self‐suffficiency is manifested by a set of sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs.

These programs are synergized with the municipal policies and regional potential with the aim to create concrete benefits, stimulate the economy and improve community welfare.

Another important measure is the promotion of a number of programs on economic, educational, health, socio‐cultural and environmental development that incorporate the three components of Profit, People and Planet.

These programs are implemented with the active participation of the communities and strong partnership with the stakeholders.

Through sustainable development activities and solid co-operation with various parties, Adaro has high optimism on the creation of a community of economic, intellectual, and management independence.

General Media:
For further information, please contact:
Devindra Ratzarwin
Corporate Secretary
Tel: (6221) 521 1265
Fax: (6221) 5794 4685

Financial Media:
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Cameron Tough
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: (6221) 521 1265
Fax: (6221) 5794 4685

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